Wednesday, February 13, 2008


We spent most of the morning making Valentine's decorations for the party tomorrow. I made about seventeen heart doilies. They're okay. "Debbie" said she liked them. "They look like they were made by angels," she told me.

"Debbie" is the most affirmative person I have ever met. Can't imagine what she's like on crystal meth.

Sheryl Anne had nice things to say about my doilies as well. She picked one up and deemed it "Lovely." Think that might be the best word ever. Especially when Sheryl Anne says it. Lovely.

I'm not falling in love with her again. I'm not falling in love with her again. I'm not falling in love with her again. I'm not falling in love with her again. I'm not falling in love with her again.

Tiara wouldn't be too happy about that. Tomorrow will be the first time I've seen or talked to her since I checked in.

"Hi, sweetie! Guess what: I've been clean for six days and I'm in love with my drug counselor."

No, that wouldn't go over well at all.

She's no doubt already wondering why I haven't taken any of her calls. Every time she's called I had Pat O'Brien make up some excuse for why I couldn't come to the phone. His lies still need a little work ("He's out hunting wolverine"; "He's training his wolverines; "He's lactose intolerant"; "He's a wolverine" ), but thus far they've done the trick.

Although now I need to figure out how to get a wolverine in here by tomorrow.


Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats on the lovely angelic doilies!

P.S. I'm sure you can find a wolverine and have it shipped over night on eBay.

5:31 PM  

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